Expert Report on René-C. Schümperli’s Atlas Prophylaxis

augustus 6, 2020

Expert Report on René-C. Schümperli’s Atlas Prophylaxis

In April 2006, we launched a research study about René-C. Schümperli’s Atlas Prophylaxis at our
university institute. We examined a total of 114 subjects in this study. The initial evaluation of the data
has been completed. The academic publication of these findings is anticipated for the near future. We
conducted an MRI (nuclear magnetic resonance) examination of the cervical spine with special
attention to the atlas. Afterwards, an atlas prophylaxis was performed. Subsequently, we conducted a
follow-up MRI examination of the cervical spine.

The atlas is the first cervical vertebra and together with the joint surfaces of the occiput, it forms the
craniocervical joint. Together with the second cervical vertebra, the axis, the occiput and the atlas
constitute a major functional unit of the locomotor apparatus and the spine.

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